BVES Students Vote for the First time!

BVES held Student Council Officer Elections on September 26, 2018. The positions were President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. There were 13 students who ran for the 5 available positions. It was arranged with the Secretary of State’s office for electronic voting machines to be used for this election! Students in 3rd-6th grade had to sign their classroom rosters as registered voters and then were allowed to vote for the candidates of their choice! It was a great opportunity for the students to learn about the voting process.


The following students were elected as officers:

President - Destinee Chauppette

Vice Presidents - Annie Hotard and Michael Lord

Secretary - Madison LaBorde

Treasurer - Bella Blakney


Special thanks to Kim Turlich-Vaughn and Carol Roberts for helping Mrs. Brianne Blakney, the student council sponsor, make the arrangements with Leigh Westmoreland and the Secretary of State’s office. We are also grateful for those Secretary of State officials who came to our school to serve us!