The following students were named February Students of the Month for meeting the School Wide Behavior Expectations~ Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe all month long, a ceremony was held in their honor on February 27, 2015. Students received a certificate, a student of the month tag on a neck chain, a nice yard sign, and snacks provided by the PTO. The following students are: Headstart-Khakaya Williams, PreK- Matilda Dillard, Kindergarten- Myles Madere, Terrance Raphilo, and Jacoby Antoine, First grade-Lilly Cashi, Chloe Wilkerson, and Lainey Chartier, Second grade- Danielle Holloway, Cason Meaux, and Kayline Man, Third grade- Kaela Taylor, Makailyn Parker, and Evan Ballay, Fourth grade- Davin Eli Keo and Darmon WIlliams, Fifth grade- Eden Serpas, Mekhi Williams, and Brady Boykin, Sixth grade- Saydee Dardar and Jasmine Peoples. Mrs. Maria M. Prout, principal, congratulates all of the students for a job well done.
The following students were named February Students of the Month for meeting the School Wide Behavior Expectations~ Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe all month long, a ceremony was held in their honor on February 27, 2015. Students received a certificate, a student of the month tag on a neck chain, a nice yard sign, and snacks provided by the PTO. The following students are: Headstart-Khakaya Williams, PreK- Matilda Dillard, Kindergarten- Myles Madere, Terrance Raphilo, and Jacoby Antoine, First grade-Lilly Cashi, Chloe Wilkerson, and Lainey Chartier, Second grade- Danielle Holloway, Cason Meaux, and Kayline Man, Third grade- Kaela Taylor, Makailyn Parker, and Evan Ballay, Fourth grade- Davin Eli Keo and Darmon WIlliams, Fifth grade- Eden Serpas, Mekhi Williams, and Brady Boykin, Sixth grade- Saydee Dardar and Jasmine Peoples. Mrs. Maria M. Prout, principal, congratulates all of the students for a job well done.